About eXosphere

eXosphere is a new collective space in a far corner of the cosmos of the city of Groningen. It’s an incubator inside Backbone050 (Travertijnstraat 12) for gamemakers & other mediamakers and programmers. We aim at creating innovative stories using multimedia for general audiences and for educational purposes.



WHIRL Productions

WHIRL Productions is a professionally equipped media production unit led by director/producer Bouke Mekel. WHIRL creates tragicomic (docu)fiction stories - scripts, images, music & choreographies for clips, portraits, scapes, films, performances & games. Currently mainly working on the mystery role-playing game ‘Daemon’ + various films and performances generally for artists & arts organisations, educators & educational organisations.


Eduduino is offering introductory workshops on Arduino, the ‘open source’ platform to realise your creative hard- & software ideas in the field of modern electronics with great ease.

New Game Studios

New Game Studios makes (serious) games and experiences for desktop, mobile, and VR.


February 10th 2017 - eXosphere open house


If you have any questions or require any information about our services/products do not hesitate to contact us. It's non-committal and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have!